Singapore – Sustainability Whitebook 2020-2022

March 12, 2022by Geraldine Smeets

The Sustainability Whitebook outlines the common interest in sustainability that the EU shares with Singapore, efforts at EuroCham to advocate for a more sustainable future, and European companies positioned to lead the journey to greater sustainability. In doing so, it aims to present the many ways in which European and Singaporean companies can work together in the common pursuit of “Excellence in Sustainability”.

The Whitebook includes:

  1. Position papers and a report covering key areas of cooperation between European companies and Singaporean authorities and regulators,
  2. The European Sustainability in Singapore Report 2020 assessing the sustainability credentials of one hundred senior leaders of European organisations in Singapore; and
  3. A series of articles featuring European and Singaporean companies at the forefront of sustainability.

Of these, the position papers are intended to facilitate a constructive exchange with its members and the Singapore authorities and regulators. They draw from the knowledge and expertise of EuroCham members and cover the state of sustainable development in Singapore and the region, and make a comparison with the developments, goals and objectives in Europe.

The European Sustainability in Singapore Report 2020 underscores the need for elevated awareness and understanding of sustainability practices and reflects the demand for government incentives and an ecosystem of companies and stakeholders.

Featuring the “Excellence in Sustainability”

The articles profile companies with demonstrated expertise in sustainability: showcasing both European and Singaporean excellence in the areas of focus. The Whitebook promotes an exchange of views between Singapore and Europe while encouraging the private sector to act responsibly, constructively and collaboratively with Singapore’s stakeholders in mind.

Geraldine Smeets

Geraldine Smeets

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