Eurocham Burkina Faso

Created in 2018, EUROCHAM-BF is an association whose main purpose is to represent the European business community and to facilitate industrial and commercial exchanges between Europe and Burkina Faso. The association was founded on the initiative of businessmen and managers, mainly from multinational companies and groups established in Burkina Faso, who agreed on the opportunity to bring together European economic operators established in the country under a single banner.

EUROCHAM BF has set itself the following main missions:

REPRESENT the European business community or those with European capital in Burkina Faso vis-à-vis public authorities, corporate organizations and European bodies.

FACILITATE the development of the presence and activity of companies from European countries in Burkina Faso.

WORK to improve the business climate in Burkina Faso – through shared analyses and concrete proposals, if necessary by sector – on the basis of joint work between the association, the Delegation of the European Commission and the Member States, using the various instruments of dialogue and cooperation with the Burkinabe authorities available to the European Union and the Member States.

PROMOTE industrial and commercial exchanges between Europe and Burkina Faso.

PROMOTE training and employment opportunities by bringing training courses closer to the needs of businesses.

ESTABLISH a privileged partnership and ensure a permanent and constructive dialogue with the Burkinabe authorities (Ministry of Commerce and Industry, other ministries, CNPB, API-BF, APEX-B, MEBF, etc.) in good synergy with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina Faso (CCI-BF).

FACILITATE the sharing of information from the Government, the European Union, Banks and Financial Institutions, concerning access to financing, guarantees, etc.

ALLOW a sharing of experiences between (old and new) European companies or joint ventures to companies with a link to Europe – opportunity to create a strong network.

TO CONTRIBUTE to the economic integration of the sub-region, UEMOA and ECOWAS, in terms of trade and free movement of goods and services and sustainable development.


EuroCham Burkina Faso offers various services and resources to its members to promote and support their business interests in Burkina Faso. Some of these member services include:

  • Business advocacy: EuroCham Burkina Faso engages in advocacy efforts aimed at promoting a favorable business environment in Burkina Faso, working closely with government agencies and other organisations to represent the interests of its members.
  • Networking opportunities: The chamber organises various networking events, such as business conferences, trade fairs, and business missions, to connect its members with other businesses, government agencies, and potential partners.
  • Business support services: EuroCham Burkina Faso provides business support services to its members, such as access to funding opportunities, business matching services, and legal and regulatory advice.
  • Market intelligence: The chamber provides market intelligence to its members, including data and insights on various industries and markets, as well as updates on economic and trade policies that may impact their business operations.
  • Training and capacity building: EuroCham Burkina Faso offers training and capacity building programs to its members, including workshops and seminars on various business-related topics, such as entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainability.


The Chamber contributes to the economic integration of the sub-regions, UEMOA and ECOWAS, in terms of trade and free movement of goods and services and sustainable development.

It has a privileged partnership and ensure a permanent and constructive dialogue with the Burkinabè authorities (Ministry of Commerce and Industry, other ministries, CNPB, API-BF, APEX-B, MEBF, etc.) in good synergy with the Chamber of Commerce and Burkina Faso Industry (CCI-BF). It facilitates the sharing of information from the Government, the European Union, Banks and Financial Institutions, concerning access to financing, guarantees, etc. It contributes to the economic integration of the sub-region, UEMOA and ECOWAS, in terms of trade and free movement of goods and services and sustainable development.

EU Projects

Programme Indicatif Multi-annuel (Link)

  • Visit Website
  • Country
    Burkina Faso
  • Region
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Hamado KINDO
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with corporate membership
  • Members
  • Employees

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 168

1000 Brussels, Belgium
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