Eurocham Vietnam

Since its establishment in 1998, EuroCham Vietnam has played a vital role as the unified voice of European businesses in the country. With a membership exceeding 1,300 companies and employing over 150,000 workers, it stands as one of the largest foreign business associations in Vietnam. EuroCham Vietnam serves as a catalyst for business interactions between European and Vietnamese companies, ensuring maximum benefits from the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA). Moreover, the chamber actively advocates for green growth in alignment with Vietnam's commitments for COP26.

The organisation is dedicated to fostering an efficient and resilient business environment for its members through collaboration between businesses and government entities (B2G) as well as facilitating business-to-business interactions (B2B). EuroCham Vietnam amplifies the perspectives of its members by engaging with industry insiders and policymakers in both Europe and Vietnam. It provides valuable insights into market conditions in Vietnam and global trends, enabling businesses to make well-informed decisions.

EuroCham Vietnam is an independent, non-profit, and apolitical organisation governed by its members. It places a strong emphasis on fair, accurate, and fact-based analysis in all its endeavors. The chamber is agile and responsive, addressing member concerns and interests, and acting as an influential and unified voice not only within Vietnam but also across Southeast Asia, Europe, and beyond. It represents the diverse interests and backgrounds of its members.

The chamber cultivates robust engagement with local authorities, actively participating in more than 10 government meetings in 2022. Additionally, it maintains a good level of engagement with the EU Delegation to Vietnam.

EuroCham Vietnam operates through offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, as well as three Regional Chapters covering the Northeast, Central, and Southeast regions of Vietnam. This enables widespread coverage and a broad reach across the country.

In conclusion, EuroCham Vietnam is a vital organisation for European businesses operating in Vietnam. It provides a platform for networking, business development, and access to valuable services and resources. Through its policy advocacy, EuroCham Vietnam contributes to the creation of a favorable business environment in Vietnam. The chamber's activities promote sustainable and responsible business practices, ultimately supporting the growth and success of European businesses in Vietnam and strengthening the economic partnership between Europe and Vietnam.


Publications: (Link)

  • White Papers: Yes, called White Books, published every January in the Chamber's yearly launch event. They are a comprehensive overview of how European businesses operate in Vietnam. It provides a sector-by-sector breakdown of the most pressing issues, plus recommendations for government action.
  • Position Papers: more than 10 in 2022.
  • Quarterly Business Climate Index: It measures the European business community’s perceptions of Vietnam’s business and investment environment since 2011.
  • Biannual FDI Report (Foreign Direct Investment): It details FDI trends in Vietnam following implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).
  • Weekly Newsletter: It updates members on what’s happening within EuroCham and in the Vietnamese market.
  • News
  • GEFE 2022 Report: A guide to everything that happened at EuroCham’s Green Economy Forum and Exhibition, held in November 2022. This report is chock-full of valuable recommendations that’ll help Vietnam transition to a greener, more eco-friendly economy. GEFE (Green Economy Forum & Exhibition) is a conference about climate change hosted by Eurocham Vietnam. (Link)

Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits (Link):

  • Access the Online Membership Directory to increase visibility for their company, products, and services among all 1,200+ members.
  • Participate in over 80 yearly events, including networking activities, regulatory updates, high-level meetings, field trips, and more.
  • Enjoy significant discounts on event services.
  • Engage in Sector Committees and contribute to advocacy activities specific to their sector.
  • Make their voice heard with decision-makers.
  • Build brand recognition by utilising the chamber's communication tools and taking advantage of cost-effective advertising and sponsorship services.
  • Benefit from extensive domestic and international media coverage.
  • Gain industry-insider insights on the Vietnamese market through the chamber's publications, such as FDI Reports and the quarterly Business Climate Index.
  • Access nationwide discounts with EuroCham's Member Card. Additionally, businesses interested in enhancing visibility can become Discount partners.
  • Receive free IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) advice for European SMEs.


EuroCham Vietnam identifies Vietnam's critical trade and investment barriers and makes actionable, practical recommendations through continuous engagement with its members and policymakers.

  • Committees: 19 Sector Committees, with 250 participating companies. Eurocham Vietnam gives each committee a brand name and operational flexibility. (Link)
    • Cosmetics
    • CropLife
    • Digital
    • FAABS (Food, Agri & Aqua Business Sector)
    • Green Growth
    • Human Resources and Training
    • Intellectual Property Rights
    • International Quality Medicines, Generic & Biosimilar
    • Legal
    • Medical Devices & Diagnostics
    • Mobility
    • NFG (Nutritional Foods Group)
    • PharmaGroup
    • Taxation & Transfer Pricing
    • Tourism & Hospitality
    • Transportation & Logistics
    • Wine & Spirits
    • Women in Business
    • Sustainable Finance

  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Dominik Meichle
  • Organisational Structure
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

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