Eurocham Bénin

Eurocham Benin, also known as the European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Benin, is a non-profit organisation that represents the interests of European businesses operating in Benin. The organisation was established in 2015 with the aim of promoting trade and investment between Benin and the European Union. Eurocham Benin works to support European businesses operating in Benin by providing advocacy, networking, and business development support. The organisation works closely with the Beninese government and other stakeholders to promote a favorable business environment in the country.


  • Business directories: Eurocham Benin produces directories of European businesses operating in Benin, which provide a useful resource for companies seeking to establish partnerships or identify potential suppliers or customers.
  • Newsletters: Eurocham Benin produces regular newsletters that provide updates on its activities, as well as news and analysis on key issues affecting the business community in Benin.
  • Sectoral reports: Eurocham Benin produces reports that provide insights into specific sectors of the economy in Benin. These reports cover topics such as market trends, regulatory issues, and investment opportunities. (Link)
  • Policy briefs: Eurocham Benin produces policy briefs and other publications that provide analysis and recommendations on issues related to trade, investment, and economic development in Benin. (Link)
  • Annual reports: Eurocham Benin produces an annual report that provides an overview of its activities and achievements over the past year, as well as its strategic priorities for the future.



  • Information, Assistance, and Advice
  • Lobbying
  • Relay between the private sector, Beninese Institution and the Government
  • Expertise and Advice
  • Member Room Rental
  • Member Benefits (Corporate prices, Member cards, etc.)

Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

  • Access to Weightful Economic Network
  • Access to Influential Group representing Private Sector Interest
  • Access to the various services of the Chamber
  • Stay informed with Regular and Relevant Information


Eurocham Benin works to advocate for policies and initiatives that are favorable to the interests of European businesses operating in Benin. This can include engaging with policymakers and other stakeholders to address issues such as regulatory barriers and market access. (Link)

  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
    Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Kristof van den Branden
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with corporate membership
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 168

1000 Brussels, Belgium
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© 2020 by EBO Worldwide Network ASBL

© 2020 by EBO Worldwide Network ASBL