European Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka

The European Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (ECCSL) was established in 1996 with the primary objective of fostering and enhancing economic and business relations between Sri Lanka and 50 European countries. Over the years, ECCSL has become a vibrant association representing European and local companies engaged in business activities in Sri Lanka. The chamber's membership comprises a diverse range of commercial interests, reflecting its strong and influential presence in the country.

As a non-profit organisation, ECCSL is dedicated to promoting trade and investment between Europe and Sri Lanka. It serves as a valuable platform for networking, business development, and knowledge sharing among its members. Additionally, ECCSL actively advocates for regulatory reforms and improved market access for European businesses in Sri Lanka.

ECCSL offers a comprehensive range of services and resources to support its members. These include market intelligence, business matching, and various advocacy initiatives. By collaborating closely with Sri Lankan authorities, the chamber strives to create an enabling business environment for European companies. Through policy dialogue and engagement, ECCSL works towards regulatory improvements and enhanced market opportunities for its members.

The activities of ECCSL contribute to the promotion of sustainable and responsible business practices in Sri Lanka. By facilitating economic growth and development, the chamber plays a crucial role in strengthening the partnership between Europe and Sri Lanka. It acts as a catalyst for the success and expansion of European businesses in the country, while also contributing to the overall prosperity of the Sri Lankan economy.

In summary, ECCSL is a prominent organisation that supports European businesses in Sri Lanka. It fosters networking and business development opportunities, provides essential services and resources, and advocates for regulatory reforms and market access. Through its activities, ECCSL contributes to the growth of the Sri Lankan economy and encourages responsible business practices.


  • Position Papers: Yes, 1-5 in 2022. The chamber inquires about member concerns and industry issues during sector group member meetings, then carries out research and prepares position papers for respective stake holders and Government institutions.
  • EuroLink: Quarterly magazine: Printed magazine accessible to all members, partners and relevant chamber network groups (Link)
  • Monthly Newsletter: Digital newsletter which is accessible to all members, partners and relevant chamber network groups  (Link)
  • News


ECCSL offers a wide range of services to its members and the European business community in Sri Lanka. Some of the key services offered by ECCSL include:

  • Advocacy: ECCSL represents the interests of its members in Sri Lanka by engaging with the government and other stakeholders on issues related to trade, investment, and business regulations.
    • Example: EU-Sri Lanka investor dialogue
  • Business services: ECCSL offers a range of business services to its members, including business matching, market research, and consulting services. It also provides information and assistance on legal, financial, and tax matters related to doing business in Sri Lanka.
  • Events and networking: ECCSL organises regular events and networking opportunities for its members, including seminars, workshops, business luncheons, and other industry-specific events.
    • Bilateral chamber services (Business match making, business delegations, etc.) are included.
    • Trade and Investment Inquiries Help Desk
    • Detailed calendar for European trade events
  • Publications and information: ECCSL publishes monthly newsletters and quarterly magazines that provide valuable insights and information on business-related topics in Sri Lanka and Europe and Position Papers
    • Position Papers: The chamber inquires member concerns and industry issues during sector group member meetings, then does the research and prepares position papers for respective stake holders and Government institutions.
    • EuroLink: Annual magazine: Accessible to members only. The most recent issue educates the reader on driving factors behind the expected economic recovery of the country, the future of Sri Lankan exports to EU, how organic agriculture could secure the nation’s agricultural supply chain, the importance of GSP+, and a variety of valuable information on the export market opportunities in Europe.
    • Monthly Newsletter
  • Trade and Investment Inquiries Help Desk (Link)
  • Detailed calendar for European trade events (Link)
  • Events

Membership Benefits

ECCSL offers various membership benefits, such as discounts on events, services, and publications, access to exclusive member-only events and resources, trade desk services and opportunities to participate in ECCSL committees and advocacy groups.

  • Enhanced visibility for companies, their products, and services through ECCSL's platform.
  • Opportunities to contribute to and participate in ECCSL flagship events, fostering networking and business development.
  • Assistance and support for companies looking to expand their businesses to Europe.
  • Access to discounted member prices and free-of-charge events organised by ECCSL.
  • Discounted member prices for advertising services on ECCSL communication platforms, increasing brand exposure.
  • Advocacy services and facilitation of meetings with relevant authorities and the Government for effective representation of members' interests.
  • Opportunity to participate in ECCSL Strategic Committees (Market Access Teams) and engage in brainstorming and idea generation activities.
  • Platform to provide views and recommendations directly for the position papers prepared by ECCSL on trade issues.
  • Support and facilitation for business activities, including business support and B2B matching.
  • Increased brand visibility on ECCSL's website, reaching a wider audience.
  • Regular receipt of monthly newsletters and quarterly EuroLink magazine, offering trade news, market analysis, product insights, and up-to-date information.
  • Introduction to ECCSL membership through a profile publication in the next monthly newsletter upon joining.
  • Access to a network of over 200 members through various events, meetings, webinars, and the online membership directory, fostering valuable connections.
  • Recognition by European and Sri Lankan companies as a potential international business partner, enhancing business opportunities and credibility.


Committees: 5 Market Access Teams (Link):

  • Travel and Tourism
  • Food and Agriculture
  • Transport and Logistics
  • Power and Energy
  • Financial Services

  • Visit Website
  • Country
    Sri Lanka
  • Region
    South Asia & Middle East
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Hatem Rajabdeen
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with corporate membership
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 168

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