EU Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Southern Africa PNC

The European Union Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Southern Africa (EUCCI-SA) is a non-profit organisation that represents the interests of European businesses operating in the Southern African region. It is driven by its members and operates on a fee-based system. The primary mission of the EUCCISA is to support EU-based companies by advocating for an attractive investment and business climate in Southern Africa. This advocacy is focused on policies that recognise the crucial role of responsible foreign direct investment in promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in the region. The EUCCI-SA plays a significant role in coordinating and bringing together EU member states, bilateral chambers, and EU companies. These entities collaborate on mutually identified topics to develop a unified approach and advocate for their interests at the EU-wide level.

The organisation actively engages with local authorities, participating in approximately 6-10 government meetings in 2022. It also maintains a strong relationship with the EU Delegation. Through its activities, the EUCCI-SA aims to facilitate trade and investment between the European Union and Southern African countries. It strives to promote economic cooperation and provides valuable networking opportunities for businesses. The chamber serves as a platform for its members to access essential information, expertise, and support necessary for successful operations in the Southern African market. It actively advocates for favorable business conditions, policy reforms, and improved market access by engaging with government entities, institutions, and industry associations. By promoting trade and investment flows, the EUCCI-SA contributes to the overall economic growth and sustainable development of the region. It serves as a reliable resource and catalyst for European companies seeking to expand their presence and explore opportunities in Southern Africa. The chamber's commitment to strengthening the EU-Southern Africa business relationship underscores its importance in facilitating dialogue and partnerships between European businesses and local stakeholders.


  • Position Papers: Yes, also called sometimes Alerts
  • Research & Publications: 5 documents, on Comments on a NERSA Determination; a NRCS Self Declaration on EU-SA Partnership; a 4IR Industry 4.0 Implementation; a 4IR (4th Industrial Revolution) Road Map; EU Priorities in Southern Africa. (Link)
  • News

Membership Benefits

No bilateral chamber services (business match making, business delegations, etc.)


Committees: 4 Working Groups (Link):

  • Green & Circular Economy
  • Investment Climate
  • Industry 4.0/5G
  • Agriculture & Market Access

  • Visit Website
  • Country
    South Africa
  • Region
  • Year Founded
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber of Chambers
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 168

1000 Brussels, Belgium
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© 2020 by EBO Worldwide Network ASBL