Eurocham Sénégal

Eurocham Sénégal, formerly known as CIFAS (Club of French Investors in Senegal) and later as CIES (Council of European Investors in Senegal), was established in 1993 at the initiative of Foreign Trade Advisors. In 2018, it obtained the status of the European Chamber of Commerce in EBOWWN, and in 2020, it became Eurocham Senegal.

The primary objectives of Eurocham Senegal are as follows:

  • to serve as a bridge between the Senegalese State, its administrations, and European investors in the country;
  • to provide a platform for discussions on economic themes and share insights with political actors;
  • and to address priority areas such as trade, taxation, land, tourism, agriculture, major infrastructure projects, and the fight against counterfeiting.

Additionally, Eurocham Senegal functions as an information and connection hub for investors and holds significant economic influence within Senegal's economy. Eurocham Senegal maintains strong engagement with local authorities, participating in 1-5 government meetings in 2022. It also fosters a robust engagement with the EU Delegation, promoting collaboration and cooperation between European companies and Senegalese stakeholders. As a non-profit business organisation, Eurocham Senegal represents European companies operating in Senegal. Since its establishment in 2014, it has grown to become a leading business organisation in the country, boasting over 100 members from various sectors, including agriculture, energy, construction, and finance. Eurocham Senegal's core mission is to promote trade and investment between Europe and Senegal, facilitate networking opportunities and business development, and advocate for regulatory reforms and improved market access for European businesses.

To accomplish its goals, Eurocham Senegal provides a wide range of services and resources to its members, including business matching, advocacy support, and networking events. The chamber collaborates closely with Senegalese authorities and stakeholders to create an enabling business environment for European companies. Through policy dialogue, Eurocham Senegal advocates for regulatory reforms and enhanced market access, while also encouraging the adoption of sustainable and responsible business practices. By contributing to economic growth and development in Senegal, Eurocham Senegal plays a vital role in strengthening the economic partnership between Europe and Senegal, ultimately supporting the growth and success of European businesses in the country.


White Papers:

  • Invest in Senegal: Surveys & Review, published annually, Generally covering all of the industry sectors.
  • Position Papers

A set of Guides to help foreign companies understand the business and legal climate in the country:

  • Legal framework of the types of commercial companies in Senegal (Link)
  • The taxation system for businesses in Senegal (Link)
  • Labor legislation in Senegal (Link)
  • Other guides, for Investment, Agriculture, useful links, etc.


Bilateral chamber services (Business match making, business delegations, etc.) are included

Membership Benefits

As a member of EuroCham Senegal, you gain access to a wide range of benefits designed to support your business growth and development. These benefits include:

  • Access to EuroCham Office: Enjoy a warm welcome and receive guidance and advice at the EuroCham office.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with all 160 EuroCham members, allowing you to expand your professional network. Your company will also be listed on the EuroCham website, increasing your visibility among potential customers and suppliers.
  • Weekly Press Selection: Stay updated with the latest news and developments through a curated selection of press articles delivered on a weekly basis.
  • CV Database: Access the EuroCham CV database, providing you with a pool of talented professionals for potential recruitment.
  • Expertise of Older Members: Tap into the knowledge and expertise of experienced members, who can offer valuable insights and guidance for your business.
  • Sectoral Commissions: Participate in sectoral commissions that focus on specific industries, enabling you to engage with like-minded professionals and address industry-specific challenges.
  • Participation in Events: Take part in various events organised by EuroCham Senegal, including lunch-debates where you can exchange ideas with key players in the Senegalese and international economic spheres. Additionally, participate in colloquia featuring international experts, "AfterWorks" social gatherings to foster informal connections among members, and thematic mornings centered around specific business topics.
  • Representation before Authorities: EuroCham Senegal represents its members' interests before authorities through various activities, including creating thematic working groups that develop strategic notes made available to members. The organisation also maintains regular contact with institutions to raise awareness of members' economic issues. EuroCham Senegal participates in official events and collects data through the annual survey to assess the economic weight of its members.

These membership benefits aim to enhance your business opportunities, foster meaningful connections, and provide a platform for your voice to be heard by relevant authorities. EuroCham Senegal is committed to supporting your success in the Senegalese business landscape.


EuroCham Senegal organises 8 Commissions, with 160 participating companies:

  • SME Commission
  • Oil & Gas Commission
  • CSR Environment Commission,
  • HR Training Commission,
  • Land Commission.
  • Taxation Commission
  • Dakar Port Commission
  • IT Commission

  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Francois Cherpion
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with corporate membership
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

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