European Australian Business Council

The European Australian Business Council (EABC) is a non-profit, member-based organisation that promote trade and investment between Europe and Australia. The EABC was established in 1999 and is based in Sydney, Australia, and a presence in Brussels.

Its members include major companies, and bilateral European chambers who advocate for stronger business ties through policy reforms and initiatives to grow the relationship further. The EABC's mission is to create a platform for its members to engage with key stakeholders in both regions, including government agencies, business leaders, and industry associations.

Some of the key activities of the EABC include organising events, seminars, and networking opportunities for its members; providing market intelligence and analysis to help businesses better understand market trends and opportunities; and facilitating partnerships and collaborations between Australian and European businesses.

The EABC also has a number of industry-specific groups that focus on key sectors, such as energy, infrastructure, finance, defence, and research and innovation. These activities provide a forum for members to discuss issues and opportunities within their sectors and to develop collaborative initiatives to promote new business opportunities.


  • Reports and briefings: The EABC produce reports and briefings on a range of topics related to EU- Australia trade and investment. These reports provide detailed analysis and insights into key issues, such as regulatory barriers, market access, and investment opportunities.
  • Newsletters: The EABC produces regular newsletters that provide updates on the latest developments in EU-Australia trade and These newsletters often feature articles and interviews with key stakeholders in the business community.
  • Policy papers: The EABC produces policy papers that provide recommendations for policymakers on how to strengthen EU-Australia trade and investment These papers often focus on issues such as trade liberalisation, regulatory harmonisation, and investment facilitation.


The European Australian Business Council (EABC) engages in advocacy efforts to promote the interests of its members and to facilitate increased trade and investment between the European Union (EU) and Australia. Some of the advocacy activities undertaken by the EABC include:

  • Advocacy: The EABC engages in lobbying efforts with policymakers in the EU and Australia to promote policies that are favorable to its members. This can include advocating for regulatory harmonisation, trade liberalisation, and increased investment opportunities. (Link)
  • Thought leadership: The EABC works to promote thought leadership on key issues related to EU-Australia trade and investment. This can include producing policy papers, reports, and other publications that provide analysis and recommendations on issues such as market access, investment facilitation, and regulatory barriers.
  • Stakeholder engagement: The EABC engages with a range of stakeholders in both the EU and Australia to build support for its advocacy efforts. This can include working with business associations, industry groups, and other organisations to advance shared interests.
  • Events and networking: The EABC organises a range of events and networking opportunities that provide a platform for its members to engage with policymakers and other stakeholders. This can include hosting roundtables, panel discussions, and other events that facilitate dialogue and exchange of ideas.


  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
    East Asia & Pacific
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Duncan Lewis AO DSC CSC
  • Organisational Structure
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

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