PNG Europe Business Council Inc.

The PNG Europe Business Council Inc. is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting trade and investment between Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the European Union (EU). Established in 2009, the council has emerged as a prominent business organisation in PNG, with a strong engagement with both the local authorities, participating in 1-5 government meetings in 2022, and the EU Delegation.

The PNG Europe Business Council Inc. serves as a platform for networking and business development, connecting European businesses with their counterparts in PNG. Its membership includes companies from diverse sectors such as mining, agriculture, and manufacturing. The council's primary mission is to facilitate market access, regulatory reforms, and the adoption of sustainable and responsible business practices. To achieve its objectives, the PNG Europe Business Council Inc. provides a range of services and resources to its members. These include business matching services, advocacy efforts, and networking events. The council works closely with PNG authorities and other stakeholders to create a favorable business environment for European businesses. Through policy dialogue, it advocates for regulatory reforms and increased market access, aiming to foster economic growth and development in the region.

In summary, the PNG Europe Business Council Inc. plays a crucial role in strengthening the economic partnership between Europe and Papua New Guinea. Through its engagement with local authorities, the EU Delegation, and its provision of services and resources, the council supports the growth and success of European businesses in PNG, while promoting sustainable business practices and contributing to the overall development of the region.


Position Papers: 1-5 in 2022.


Bilateral chamber services (Business match making, business delegations, etc.) are included.

Membership Benefits

  • Opportunity to be involved in networking events organised by the Council, the Delegation of the European Union to PNG, the French Embassy to PNG and the British High Commissioner to PNG.
  • Use of the Council to deal with trade, investment and other business issues of concern to your organisation.
  • Participate in the promotion of European businesses in PNG and PNG businesses in Europe.
  • Help educate young Papa New Guineans concerning Europe’s role in the development of modern PNG and the on-going opportunities offered by various European countries to Papa New Guineans.
  • Channel proposals, complaints or requests to PNG Government authorities or/and the diplomatic missions of European and EU countries.
  • Access to the specialist reports prepared by the Council.
  • Receive detailed alerts concerning proposed new PNG legislation and regulions and important amendments to existing legislation and regulations that may impact your business.
  • Exchange of information with like-minded partners including relevant European diplomatic missions.
  • Access to the side events organised in connection with the PNG-EU Business, Trade and Investment Conference as well as the separate business, trade and investment events organised by the Delegation of the European Union to PNG and the Council.
  • Promote your organisation’s name and brand by being associated with various worthwhile community events and programs sponsored by the Council.
  • As a regular member, participate in all Council meetings and all Council sponsored events with one representative.
  • As a corporate member, participate in such events and meetings with up to 4 representatives.
  • As a corporate member, be highlighted as a sponsor on the Council’s website and other events organised.
  • As a corporate member, receive individual briefings on the work done by the Council and upcoming initiatives of the Council.

  • Visit Website
  • Country
    Papua New Guinea
  • Region
    East Asia & Pacific
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Michael Sullivan
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with corporate membership
  • Members
  • Employees

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 168

1000 Brussels, Belgium
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© 2020 by EBO Worldwide Network ASBL