European Business Association Macedonia

The European Chamber of Commerce in North Macedonia, presumably integrated into North Macedonia's national Chamber of Commerce, is an organisation that has a strong engagement with the local authorities, participating in 6-10 government meetings in 2022. It also has a medium engagement with the EU Delegation. The European Business Association Northern Macedonia (EBA NM) is a non-profit organisation that represents the interests of European businesses operating in Northern Macedonia. Established in 2001, it has emerged as a prominent business organisation in the country, boasting a membership of over 200 companies from various sectors, including manufacturing, services, and retail. EBA NM's primary mission is to foster trade and investment between Europe and Northern Macedonia, offering a platform for networking, business development, and advocating for regulatory reforms and market access for European businesses. To achieve its goals, EBA NM provides a range of services and resources to its members, including business matching, advocacy, and networking events. The association works closely with the authorities in Northern Macedonia and collaborates with other stakeholders to establish a favorable business environment for European enterprises. It engages in policy dialogues to advocate for regulatory reforms and expanded market access. By promoting sustainable and responsible business practices, EBA NM contributes to the overall development of Northern Macedonia while stimulating economic growth and progress in the region. In summary, the European Business Association Northern Macedonia plays a vital role in strengthening the economic partnership between Europe and Northern Macedonia, supporting European businesses in the country, and enhancing the overall business landscape.

  • Visit Website
  • Country
    North Macedonia
  • Region
    Europe & Eastern Partnership
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Ivan Durgutov, LLM
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with Corporate Membership
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

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