EuroCham Myanmar

EuroCham Myanmar, also known as the European Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, serves as the voice of the European businesses operating in Myanmar and represents the interest of the European business community. As an independent organisation, its primary focus is to advocate for the interests of its members with the relevant stakeholders in Myanmar, the ASEAN region, and the European Union. EuroCham Myanmar has been operational since December 2014 and was initially established with funding from the European Union. The project was carried out by a consortium led by the French Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FMCCI) in collaboration with EuroChambres. In October 2020, after the EU grant ended, EuroCham Myanmar became a self-sustainable organisation with the direct membership.

EuroCham Myanmar's mission encompasses several key objectives. It aims to support European companies in Myanmar to continue their operations in a high-risk market with a strong focus on responsible business conduct, in line with the international norms and regulations.

With a strong, growing network of partners and members, EuroCham Myanmar offers on-the-ground support to European businesses interested in commercial endeavors in Myanmar, whether in the form of advocacy, business services, research, networking, or other related activities. A key instrument in EuroCham Myanmar's policy work is Advocacy Groups, established on a sectoral and transversal level, which serve as a platform for information-sharing, sector coordination and identifying solutions to navigate the regulatory uncertainty. Currently, EuroCham Myanmar represents 154 members, European companies, operating in Myanmar from various industries from agrobusiness to construction or logistics. In addition to the membership for businesses, EuroCham Myanmar launched the affiliate membership for not-for-profit organisations active in Myanmar with European background or strong European ties, such as foreign embassies, associations, educational institutions, and NGOs, to join the Chamber’s network and services.

The activities of EuroCham Myanmar not only contribute to the development of sustainable and responsible business practices in Myanmar, while providing jobs and livelihood opportunities for the Myanmar population. Moreover, EuroCham Myanmar supports the due diligence efforts of its members, by providing timely and reliable information, as well as guidance how to navigate a high-risk market.




  • Position Papers: Starting from 2021, EuroCham Myanmar halted publishing its yearly White Book due to the restricted opportunity to engage in any policy activity, following the political takeover in February 2021. Instead, EuroCham Myanmar publishes papers and reports to inform stakeholders about the state of business conduct, beneficial links and existing practices to mitigate risks, associated with possible human rights abuses. One of the examples of such papers is EuroCham Garment Sector Factsheet. EuroCham Myanmar online Library stores around 30 guides, surveys, sectorial reports, etc. (Link), some of them have restricted access due to sensitivity.
  • Bi-monthly Business Confidence Survey: As one of the advocacy tools, EuroCham Myanmar conducts a bi-monthly survey on the impact of the current events on the European business community to monitor the business climate and European business sentiments and share with the strategic stakeholders. The report is restricted to members and selected stakeholders.
  • Summarised papers on regulations: Following frequent changes in the regulations for the businesses, EuroCham Myanmar published frequent members-only position papers, which are then shared with local stakeholders to find resolution for the ongoing business hurdles.
  • Membership Directory: The members-only document that is published bi-annually to give insights into the chamber network of European companies and organisations from various industries active in Myanmar.
  • Monthly newsletter to extended network: The newsletter, which includes news about the socioeconomic situation, chamber activities, events, and other updates, is disseminated to the general audience monthly.
  • Quarterly Business Magazine: EuroMatters, a quarterly business magazine, was published by the European Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar until 2020. EuroMatters provides insights into the business environment and economic policies relevant to the international business community already present or interested in doing business in Myanmar. (Link) Starting from 2021, EuroCham Myanmar discontinued the magazine due to the political sensitivity.
  • News


EuroCham Myanmar offers a range of services and benefits to its members. (Link) These include:

  • Information sharing: Myanmar Update mailings are disseminated to members daily and weekly to keep them informed on the situation on the ground (political, economic, security, and other updates). To be responsive, telegram groups are also set up for all our advocacy groups to receive the latest news and encourage exchange among members.
  • Variety of thematic events: EuroCham Myanmar organises online and in-person events on several topics related to European businesses, including security, legal landscape, logistics, Ambassador’s briefing, economic briefing, ad-hoc briefing on challenges, networking and joint chamber events, etc. EuroCham Myanmar has a specific focus on support members to conduct heightened human rights due diligence (Link)
  • Advocacy: The chamber coordinates with members, the EU Delegation, the EU Trade desk and relevant sections at the EU Commission in Brussels, member states and other stakeholders, suchas as local chambers and trade unions, to advocate for the interest of member businesses and provide evidence based data and insights on various sectors.
  • Partner Identification: The Chamber can identify potential areas of synergy between their members and/or other businesses with an interest in Myanmar, and can make an initial introduction so that these opportunities can be discussed further.
  • Market Studies: The Chamber can acquire sector-specific information through specific surveys. It can also engage in market analysis, involving doing a mission scoping with the client so as to establish the precise nature of the information needed, forming a research plan with methods like, press reviews, public documents, contacting with members and connections, physical visits, etc., and finally carrying out the implementation of the plan.
  • Scoping Mission: Companies or organisations interested in conducting a scoping mission to Myanmar are welcome to contact EuroCham for the assistance. EuroCham Myanmar team on the ground can support members and other interested entities to gain first-hand, reliable information and insight regarding doing business in Myanmar.
  • Business Center: EuroCham Myanmar disposes of generous office space so that European companies wishing to start a business in Myanmar can rent incubator space to initially map the business climate and their potential market opportunities, or even kick-off their operations in Myanmar. It also offers meeting rooms, and a virtual office package service. (Link)


Committees: (Link) 11 Groups: 120 participating companies

Additionally, EuroCham Myanmar has two special initiatives:

  • EMRBI (Eurocham Myanmar Responsible Business Initiative): It provides members with a platform to exchange experiences and aims to foster positive mutual collaboration with corporations, non-governmental organisations and the general public, to help foster quality and responsible investments, to ensure social progress and environmental sustainability. (Link)
  • EMAITI, (Eurocham Myanmar Anti-Illicit Trade Initiative): It works to raise awareness of the volume of illicit trade across all economic sectors, as well as the consequences it has in many areas, such as quality assurance and public health. The Initiative works with relevant stakeholders and the general public while advocating for solutions and best practices that can be implemented to improve enforcement. (Link)

  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Adrian Short
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with corporate membership
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

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