European-Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The European-Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EMCCI) was established in 2019 through the collaborative efforts of prominent European and Mongolian companies. EMCCI received strong support from the EU Delegation, as well as partnerships with the German-Mongolian Business Association, French Mongolian Chamber of Commerce, and British Association of Trade and Commerce. As a non-profit organisation, EMCCI represents the interests of European businesses operating in Mongolia. With over 140 member companies from diverse sectors, including mining, energy, and agriculture, EMCCI has established itself as a leading business organisation in the country. EMCCI's mission is to promote trade and investment between Europe and Mongolia, while providing a platform for networking, business development, and advocacy. EMCCI offers a wide range of services and resources to its members, including business matching, advocacy support, and networking events. By closely collaborating with Mongolian authorities and stakeholders, EMCCI strives to create a favorable business environment for European businesses, advocate for regulatory reforms, and enhance market access.

Additionally, EMCCI actively promotes sustainable and responsible business practices in Mongolia, contributing to economic growth and development in the region. EMCCI maintains a robust engagement with local authorities, actively participating in 6-10 government meetings throughout 2022. This demonstrates EMCCI's commitment to collaborating with the government to address issues and concerns relevant to European businesses in Mongolia. Furthermore, EMCCI maintains a strong level of engagement with the EU Delegation. EMCCI works closely with the EU Delegation to facilitate dialogue, cooperation, and support between European businesses and relevant EU institutions. Through its efforts, EMCCI plays a vital role in strengthening the economic partnership between Europe and Mongolia, while supporting the growth and success of European businesses operating in the country


  • White Papers: Trade and Investment Climate Statement, published in May, generally covering all of the industry sectors.
  • Position papers: 1-5 in 2022: 4 are included on the website: Indirect Tax Transfer Rule, AntiAlcohol Law amendment, Banking and Finance, FDI Climate in Mongolia. (Link)
  • Annual report: Providing an overview of the organisation's activities and achievements over the past year (Link)
  • Monthly newsletter: With regular updates on the latest news and developments in the business environment in Laos. (Link)
  • News


  • Bilateral chamber services (Business match making, business delegations, etc.) are included
  • Events


Committees: (Link)

  • Banking & Finance
  • Foreign Direct Investment
  • Food and Beverage
  • Sustainability and Energy
  • International Trade
  • Innovation And Digitalisation
  • Health

  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
    East Asia & Pacific
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Anders Berglund
  • Organisational Structure
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

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