European Business Association Moldova

Established by a consortium of 10 multinational companies, the European Business Association in Moldova (EBA Moldova) is a non-profit organisation that represents the interests of European businesses operating in Moldova. The EBA was established in 2011 and has since become a leading business organisation in the country, with over 120 member companies from various sectors such as energy, manufacturing, and services. EBA Moldova's mission is to promote trade and investment between Europe and Moldova, provide a platform for networking and business development, and advocate for regulatory reforms and market access for European businesses.

The European Business Association Moldova (EBA) functions as an influential organisation with a specific goal of aligning the national economy and business legislation in Moldova with EU standards. Additionally, EBA strives to advocate European values and the implementation of best business management practices within the Moldovan entrepreneurial community. EBA's overarching vision revolves around enhancing private business interactions between the European Union and Moldova. EBA achieved this by actively contributing to the enhancement of Moldova's business environment, facilitating capacity building, providing business support, and fostering business conduct rooted in European values and practices. To achieve its objectives, EBA Moldova offers a range of services and resources to its members, including business matching, advocacy, and networking events.

The EBA works closely with Moldovan authorities and other stakeholders to create a favorable business environment for European businesses and engages in policy dialogue to advocate for regulatory reforms and increased market access. EBA Moldova's activities contribute to the development of sustainable and responsible business practices in Moldova, while also promoting economic growth and development in the region.

Overall, the European Business Association Moldova plays a critical role in strengthening the economic partnership between Europe and Moldova and supporting the growth and success of European businesses in the country. EBA maintains a moderate level of engagement with local authorities, participating in government meetings throughout 2022. Furthermore, it maintains a strong level of engagement with the EU Delegation


  • Position Papers: Many of them are related to legislation creation. (Link)
  • Annual Report: This report provides an overview of the EBA Moldova's activities and achievements over the past year, as well as its plans for the future. (Link)
  • Analysis: These reports provide an overview of the business environment in Moldova, including economic indicators, legal and regulatory framework, and investment climate. (Link)
  • Other publications, including reports and guides that teach about sectorial opportunities, like ICT, Automotive, etc., along with a miscellaneous collection of reports, studies and updates (Link)
  • Biweekly Newsletter: It provides members with the latest news and updates on business and economic developments in Moldova, as well as updates on the activities of the EBA Moldova. (Link)
  • Projects: The European Business Association Moldova (EBA) is involved in a range of ongoing projects aimed at improving the business environment and promoting economic growth in Moldova. These projects cover a variety of areas, including trade and investment promotion, education and skills development, and policy advocacy. (Link)
  • News


EBA serves its members by offering support in 3 interconnected areas, all targeting business development of its members (Link):

  • Business environment: EBA serves as a platform for B2G communication, aimed at identifying key business issues and finding ways for their resolutions thus influencing the law decision-making in the best interest of its members.
  • Business Support: EBA supports its members by organising multiple practical workshops and coaching sessions as well as networking events, which contribute to enhanced technical skills of the member/partner companies, and a more open and qualitative business communication by means of knowledge and expertise sharing.
  • Business Promotion Moldova-EU: EBA supports its members and the stakeholders through a series of well-defined business support services aimed at bolstering exports and business internationalisation

Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits: These include the following: (Link)

  • A Common voice for enabling the business environment:
    • Lobby and advocacy support to members by promoting legislative amendments in line with EU or best international practices.
    • Develop Business Climate Briefings reflecting issues and recommendations to consider in policy making process.
    • Participation in Public Private Dialogue Platforms to make the business community voice heard in a structured and professional manner.
    • Participation in the EBA sector committees.
    • Participation in discussions with Decision Makers.
  • Capacity Building, Increase visibility of EBA Members, and Networking:
    • Capacity Building by means of organisations of workshops at the request of EBA members, aimed at enhancing competence and sharing best international practices.
    • Visibility increase by means of EBA communication instruments and support in organising dedicated member events.
    • Business networking events, social events, business breakfast, conferences and workshops.
  • Matchmaking:
    • Business matchmaking events are organised based on member’s request.
    • Guidelines about different funding opportunities and economic development programs.
    • Access to business contacts and referrals both in Moldova and Europe.
    • Access to the EBA online member database.


Committees: 6 Sector committees (Link)

  • Green & Sustainable Economy committee
  • Tax & Customs committee
  • Human Capital committee
  • Regulatory, Digital and Trade committee
  • Energy and Infrastructure committee
  • Financial and Capital Markets committee

  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
    Europe & Eastern Partnership
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Dona Gabriela Rapciuga
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with corporate membership
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 168

1000 Brussels, Belgium
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© 2020 by EBO Worldwide Network ASBL