Conseil des Investisseurs Européens au Mali

Founded in 1999 as CIFAM (Club des Investisseurs Français au Mali), this association was established based on the realisation that European members of the private sector were encountering similar challenges and hurdles while conducting business activities in Mali.

In 2017, it evolved into CIEM (Council of European Investors in Mali), and currently stands as the sole representative of the European private sector in Mali. Over the years, CIEM has grown progressively successful and has garnered recognition from both Malian and European authorities. In 2020, it achieved the official status of European Chamber of Commerce and also serves as the official Business France referent in Mali. CIEM maintains moderate engagement with local authorities, as indicated by 6 to 10 government meetings held in 2022.

The Conseil des Investisseurs Européens au Mali (CIEM) is a non-profit entity set up to advocate for and aid European investors in Mali. CIEM offers a platform for networking and lobbying, assisting its members in traversing the intricacies of the Malian investment landscape and ensuring their success in the dynamic West African market. The council represents various sectors, including agriculture, energy, mining, and construction, and collaborates with European companies operating in Mali as well as local firms with European business interests. A board of directors, comprising prominent European business leaders residing in Mali, guides the council's activities. CIEM's mission involves fostering a beneficial investment climate for European businesses in Mali and advocating for regional economic growth and development. To fulfill this, the council hosts events, facilitates networking opportunities, liaises with policymakers and stakeholders on issues impacting European investors, and offers a range of business services and resources to its members. By facilitating investment and crafting opportunities for mutual gain, CIEM plays a vital role in advancing European investment interests in Mali and contributing to the growth and development of the local economy



  • Ensure legal, economic and political monitoring;
  • Participate in institutional life through regular exchanges with the authorities, the various institutions and other associations of the Malian private sector;
  • Organise or participate in thematic work workshops (taxation, customs, professional training, justice, etc.);
  • Carry out actions with the authorities;
  • Organise regular meetings of members during which the results are discussed, new projects suggested and information is provided.


Commissions (Link): 71 participating companies

  • Agro
  • Communications and Events
  • Employment, Training and Human Resources
  • Energies
  • Business Financing, Relations with Banks and Lenders
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

EU Projects

  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Serge Lepoultier
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber of Chambers
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 168

1000 Brussels, Belgium
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© 2020 by EBO Worldwide Network ASBL