Macau European Chamber of Commerce

The Macau European Chamber of Commerce (MECC) was established in 2013 by six European chambers of commerce in Macau, namely France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Romania, and the United Kingdom. Honorary members of MECC include Instituto de Promoção do Comércio e do Investimento de Macau and Institute of European Studies of Macau. Since its founding, MECC welcomed as new members the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macau, The Austrian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong & Macau, and several Corporations and SMEs interested in fostering friendly commercial relations between European countries and Macau.

MECC holds the distinction of being the only affiliation of European chambers in the Macau Special Administrative Region. Its primary objectives are to promote various forms of commercial, industrial, financial, scientific, and economic exchanges between Macau and Europe. Moreover, MECC aims to encourage bilateral cooperation among business communities, contributing to the diversification of Macau's economy. The Chamber serves as a vital communication platform for its members, enabling them to express their interests and coordinate with one another effectively.

MECC maintains a moderate level of engagement with both the EU Delegation and local authorities. In 2022, it is projected to participate in 1-5 government meetings, indicating its commitment to collaborating with local government entities and facilitating constructive dialogue with the EU Delegation.

As a non-profit organisation, MECC represents the interests of European businesses in Macau. Its membership spans diverse sectors such as hospitality, finance, and retail. The Chamber offers networking opportunities, advocacy services, and business development support, aiding its members in navigating and thriving in Macau's dynamic and rapidly expanding market. The MECC operates under the guidance of a board of directors comprising prominent business leaders from the European community in Macau.

By creating a conducive business environment for European companies, engaging with policymakers and stakeholders, and providing valuable resources and services to its members, MECC actively contributes to the growth and development of the region. Its efforts serve to promote economic prosperity and strengthen the ties between Europe and Macau.



MECC organises different events during the year, including networking events and business meetings. The events offer opportunities for members to network with industry professionals, learn the latest business trends, and meet with the members of other Chambers.


Membership Benefits

  • Opportunities to meet Government officials, Consuls General for events and meetings for discussions
  • Networking opportunities with different people in various industries (Gaming, F&B, Hospitality, Education, Trading, etc.)
  • Increase business/company exposure
  • Priority opportunities to sponsor major events (Gala Dinner & Anniversary Cocktail)
  • Opportunity to promote via MECC social media platforms

  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
    East Asia & Pacific
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Rui Pedro Bravo E Cunha
  • Organisational Structure
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

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