European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Laos PDR

ECCIL EuroCham Laos, a non-profit entity, serves as a pivotal organisation representing European businesses in Laos. With a membership averaging 100 companies from diverse sectors, including construction, finance, and hospitality, ECCIL plays a significant role in promoting trade and investment between Europe and Laos. The organisation offers a range of valuable services such as business matching, advocacy, trainings and networking events to support its members' growth and development.

ECCIL EuroCham Laos, the sole official representation of the European business community in Lao PDR, has been operational since 2011. Its primary objective is to safeguard the interests of its members and foster the growth of business between Lao PDR and the European states for mutual gains.

The organisation maintains a robust engagement with local authorities, fostering private-public dialogue through the Lao Business Forum and actively participating in high-level government meetings throughout 2022. This demonstrates ECCIL's commitment to collaborating with the government to address issues and concerns relevant to European businesses in Laos. ECCIL EuroCham maintains connections with the EU Delegation to facilitate dialogue and promote cooperation between European businesses and relevant EU institutions.

ECCIL actively collaborates with Lao authorities and stakeholders to create a conducive business environment for European enterprises. Through policy dialogue, ECCIL EuroCham advocates for regulatory reforms and improved market access, driving sustainable and responsible business practices in Laos. By facilitating economic growth and development, ECCIL EuroCham strengthens the economic partnership between Europe and Laos while bolstering the success of European businesses in the country.


  • White Papers: Yes, published once or twice per year, with a topic specific focus (Link)
  • 9 sector profiles: Reliable, up-to-date and detailed information about specific industries in Lao are hard to get. ECCIL EuroCham does its own research and summarises available information in short “industry profiles” which are then compiled often with the help of external experts, with the support of government agencies or business associations.
  • 4 Joint Reports with other national chambers: the Joint Chamber Business Sentiment Survey is designed to monitor foreign investor sentiment twice a year and show trends impacting international investments in Lao PDR, and is made with 5 national chambers in Laos. (Link)
  • EU Investment Mapping survey
  • Newsletter
  • News

ECCIL Eurocham Laos (European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lao PDR) publishes a variety of publications to provide useful information and insights to its members and stakeholders. Here are the main types of publications they produce:

  • White Papers: These are reports or guides that provide detailed information and analysis on a specific topic or issue related to the business environment in Laos. They are intended to provide recommendations and guidance to policymakers, businesses, and investors.
  • Newsletters: These are monthly updates on the latest news and developments in the business environment in Laos. They include articles, interviews, and event announcements, among other things. (Link)
  • Annual Reports: These are comprehensive reports that provide an overview of the organisation's activities and achievements over the past year. They also include financial statements and a summary of the organisation's plans for the future.
  • Business Guides: These are informative guides that provide practical information on doing business in Laos. They include information on business regulations, taxation, and other practical matters that businesses need to know to operate successfully in the country.


ECCIL Eurocham Laos offers a range of services to its members to support and promote their business interests in Laos. Here are the main types of services:

  • Business Matching: ECCIL Eurocham Laos helps its members connect with potential business partners, suppliers, and customers through its business matching service. They facilitate introductions and arrange meetings to help members establish and grow their business networks in Laos.
  • Advocacy: ECCIL Eurocham Laos advocates for its members' interests by engaging with policymakers and government officials on issues that affect the business community. They provide input and feedback on draft legislation and regulations, and work to promote a favorable business environment in Laos.
  • Events and Networking: ECCIL Eurocham Laos organises events and networking opportunities for its members to connect, learn, and share information. They hold regular business forums, seminars, and workshops, as well as social events, to promote business opportunities and facilitate knowledge exchange.
  • Business Services: ECCIL Eurocham Laos offers a range of business services to its members, including legal and accounting advice, market research, and business development support. They provide customised services tailored to the specific needs of each member, helping them to navigate the challenges of doing business in Laos.
  • Information and Resources: ECCIL Eurocham Laos provides its members with access to a wide range of information and resources related to doing business in Laos. They offer market intelligence, industry reports, and other resources to help members make informed business decisions and stay up to date on the latest developments in the country.


Membership Benefits

  • 2,000+ business contacts, events promotion, networking, discount rates for ECCIL seminars, workshops, etc.,
  • Company’s profile on ECCIL membership directory accessed by more than 1,000 business each year, regular business and economic information updates
  • Updates on important government policy and regulatory changes on business related issues and laws applicable to every sector, access to incoming business delegations, active and passive voting rights. (Link)
  • The ECCIL's training program covers different topics addressing general management issues such as Human Resources Management, Communications, Presentation Skills, Business Writing and Reporting, Selling skills, Specific Industry Skills, Negotiation, Leadership and Cross Cultural etc. (Link)
  • Events


Advocacy Working Groups:

EU Projects


  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Peter Fogde
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with corporate membership
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

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