European Chamber of Commerce in Korea

Established back in 2012, the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK) functions as a prominent business association representing European companies operating in and with Korea. With a mission to advocate for the collective interests of the European business community, the ECCK offers its members valuable resources such as information, communication channels, and access to information concerning Korea's business and regulatory environment. As of August 2023, the Chamber consists of almost 400 member companies and approximately 50,000 employees in Korea.

While most of its members consist of European firms, the ECCK extends a warm invitation to companies of diverse nationalities to join and collaborate in sharing their experiences. Entrusted with a member’s mandate, the Board of Directors presides over the organisation. Additionally, the Advisory Board, comprising representatives nominated by national chambers or embassies, plays a vital role in providing valuable guidance and advice. Additionally, the Secretariat manages day-to-day activities and operations, ensuring the seamless functioning of the Chamber.

The primary goal of the ECCK is to foster an ideal business environment and community for European companies, striving to establish a sustainable and mutually beneficial relationship between European corporations and the Korean government through active collaboration with both parties. This annual White Paper is a perfect example of bridging European businesses and the Korean government together toward creating a better business environment. The ECCK has also been striving to make a positive impact on Korean society by fostering connections between local and global CSR partners and our members.

The ECCK's influence goes beyond regional boundaries, as it has built collaborative ties with the European Commission and the Secretariat of the European Free Trade Association.


  • White Papers: general economic overview is published every September. (Link)
  • Position Papers: more than 10 in 2022.
  • ECCK Connect Magazine: It serves as a platform for sharing business insights, industry trends, and updates on the economic landscape in Korea. The magazine aims to foster connections and provide valuable information to European businesses operating in Korea. (Link)
  • Annual Business Confidence Survey (Link)
  • Other documents: Sustainability in the Korean Insurance Industry; COVID-19 Business Survey; Busan Consumers’ Perception of Counterfeit Products 2019; Prevention of Underage Drinking Campaign Report, etc. (Link)
  • News
  • Media coverage
  • News of members


  • Advertisement: A variety of advertising channels and services to reach out to a refined audience of businessmen and government officials. (Link)
  • Event Partnership: The ECCK organizes numerous events throughout the year to provide networking opportunities for its members. Those are well-attended by C-level executives, European businesspeople and government officials. (Link)
  • ECCK Sustainability awards 2022 (Link)
  • ECCK CSR Partners (Corporate social responsibility): The ECCK strives to give back to the ones in need as part of a responsible member of Korean society. (Link)
  • EU Sponsored Programs: The ECCK has built cooperative ties with the European Commission and has contracted to conduct research and promotional programs. Since 2013, the ECCK has contributed to Market Studies Papers as part of supporting the EU Gateway Business Mission, an EU-funded business delegation of European SMEs to Korea for successful market entry

Membership Benefits

  • Member companies have access to timely information on Korea’s regulatory environment, EU-Korea FTA implementation, and general investment and business issues. Such benefits result in insight into the Korean political and economic context, access to the 54 best social networks in the country, and connections to heighten your business operation.
  • Key benefits include:
    • Joining of ECCK Committees with approval of committee chairman / director;
    • Updates on government policies, taxation, legislation, laws and regulations;
    • Representation of industry-specific issues to the Korean government;
    • Informational exchange via networking and academic workshops.


Committees: 19 Committees, divided in 3 categories, with 173 participating companies: (Link)

  • Higher Frequency (Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicles, Passenger Vehicles, Tires, Beer, Wine & Spirits, Kitchen & Home Appliances, Food, Chemical, Energy & Environment, Insurance, Cosmetics, Healthcare, Fashion & Retail, Intellectual Property Rights, Logistics & Transport, Marine & Shipbuilding)
  • Lower Frequency (Aerospace & Defense, Human Resources, ICT, Taxation, Tourism)
  • Cross-Industry Forums (CEO Forum, CFO Forum, Taxation Forum, HR & Compliance, Future Development Forum)

EU Projects

  • EU Climate Dialogues

  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
    East Asia & Pacific
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Philippe Van Hoof
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with corporate membership
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

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