Eurocham Côte d \'Ivoire

Established by businessmen and leaders of European multinational corporation leaders, with the support of the EU Delegation, the EU Commission, and some Chambers of commerce, especially the French and Belgian, with the objective to: provide a genuine European character to the organisation, respecting a balance between different European countries; to not to create a club of rich and powerful people, but to work to integrate SMEs along with multinational companies; and to provide an added value to what national chambers already do, especially in Business climate and Regional economic integration.

EuroCham Ivory Coast has four main focuses:

  • Information
  • Formation
  • Lobbying
  • Networking.

It aspires to:

  • Represent the European business community in front of the public sector of Ivory Coast;
  • Facilitate the development of the activity of companies from EEA countries (EU and EFTA);
  • Promote industrial and commercial exchanges and investments between the EU and Ivory Coast;
  • Contribute to improving the business climate and the use of best practices through constructive dialogue with the Ivorian authorities, in collaboration with other consular chambers and professional organisations;
  • Contribute to the economic integration of the sub-region, UEMOA and ECOWAS, in terms of trade and free movement of goods and services and sustainable development;
  • Position Eurocham as an interface between the authorities and public institutions of Côte d'Ivoire and European companies. and as an essential interlocutor for local professional organisations and international organisations;
  • Be a relay of information and networking for member companies;
  • Provide technical and practical services to its members;
  • Carry out concrete advocacy and lobbying actions in support and defense of the interests of its members, within the framework of their common specific concerns.

EuroCham Ivory Coast actively fosters a robust relationship with local authorities, exemplified by its participation in private-public meetings in 2023. This signifies the organisation's commitment to engaging with and collaborating closely with local government entities. Furthermore, EuroCham Ivory Coast maintains a strong level of engagement with the EU Delegation and Embassies of the EEA. The organisation actively works alongside the EU Delegation to facilitate cooperation, promote dialogue, and advocate for the interests of its members.



  • Bilateral chamber services (Business match making, business delegations, etc.)
  • Services include Information sessions, Conferences, Debates, Networking cocktails, Commercial missions, Strategic forums, Resources, and Partnership structures for formations and events.
  • Events

Membership Benefits

Access to a vast network : only members can have the list of the members - access to networking events Advocacy and commissions are a benefits reserved to members (expect few strategical outside guests) gathering sector experts and targeting critical issues in order to design an action plan, recommendations or establish a dialogue with the public and/or local counterpart.


Committees: 5 Commissions (Link)

  • Education and Formation
  • Fiscal and Juridical Affairs
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Business Climate
  • Think Tank

  • Visit Website
  • Country
    Ivory Coast
  • Region
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Dr. Christian DELMOTTE
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with Corporate Membership
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

EBOWNThe Secretariat
C/o International Department

of Business Europe

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 168

1000 Brussels, Belgium
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© 2020 by EBO Worldwide Network ASBL

© 2020 by EBO Worldwide Network ASBL