European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia

European Business Chambers of Commerce (EuroCham) Indonesia aims to be the sole representative of European business interests in Indonesia. It works to improve the policies and advocates improvements in strategic regulations for a better business environment in the country.  It is the mission of EuroCham Indonesia to serve as the voice for its members’ business interests in Indonesia, through advocacy and lobbying on trade and investment-related issues with the objective of enhancing Indonesia’s competitiveness and ease of doing business in Indonesia.  EuroCham Indonesia aims to improve market access for European companies through information sharing and a proactive advocacy dialogue with the Government of Indonesia, representing a pan-European industry voice.

Its key objectives are: Engaging in dialogue and maintaining contact with high-ranking officials in Indonesia; Providing members with recent developments and changes affecting business in Indonesia; Harmonising the national chambers and European business associations; Enlarging the European community spirit in Indonesia; and organising strategic events and seminars.

EuroCham Indonesia has a strong engagement with the Indonesian government as well as with the EU Delegation and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN).


EuroCham Indonesia’s publication department is remarkable. (Link)

  • White Papers: Entitled as the EuroCham Indonesia Position Paper wherein each Working Group develops and contributes their own annual Position Paper that is published annually within the First Quarter of each year.
  • Business Sentiment Surveys (Annual). EuroCham Indonesia actively contributes to surveys issued by the EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC) through the Business Sentiment Survey (BSS), which was launched over the past two years to coincide with the EU-ABC Indonesia Mission Trips.
  • 9 Studies, on areas like EU-Indonesia economic relations, Sustainability reports, SDG Goals, etc.
  • Annual Reports (For members only) EuroCham’s Annual Report illustrates EuroCham’s achievements and works throughout the year, along with its main activities, events and partnership with various stakeholders. The publication also covers the Working Groups advocacy activities, issues addressed and milestones.


Member News


Membership Benefits

  • Membership Benefits. 3 tiers: Regular, Gold and Platinum (Link).


  • EuroCham Indonesia’s advocacy team regularly conducts policy meetings and dialogues with relevant government agencies to discuss laws, regulations, and their amendments. This work encompasses a wide range of topics related to the interests of European businesses.
  • The advocacy team also releases Letters of Recommendations to advocate for and advance the interests of European businesses represented by EuroCham Indonesia.
  • EuroCham Indonesia has been an official partner of Indonesia's Customs Reform Team since 2016, collaborating closely on customs-related initiatives to drive reform and improve processes.
  • Additionally, EuroCham Indonesia has been invited as an official partner of Indonesia's Tax Reform Team since 2019, showcasing the chamber's active involvement in tax-related matters and contributing to the ongoing tax reform efforts in the country.

Committees: 15 Working Groups: (Link)

  • Agriculture, Food & Beverages
  • Automotive
  • Chemical
  • Cosmetic
  • Energy
  • Finance, Tax & Investment
  • Import - Export Procedures
  • Intellectual Property
  • Pharmaceutical & Medical Technology
  • Retail
  • Transport & Logistics
  • Sustainable Development
  • Tobacco
  • Human Resources
  • Technology

EU Projects

ICI+ (EU Funded Project):  EuroCham Indonesia was a recipient of the ICI+ project that has since expired in 2020. The project’s aim was to help further improve the investment climate, market access, foreign direct investment, strengthen EuroCham advocacy role, offer better quality policy research, enhance trade dialogue with the government of Indonesia, etc. (Link)

  • Visit Website
  • Country
  • Region
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    François de Maricourt
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber with corporate membership
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

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