European Chamber of Commerce in Ghana (EuroCham Ghana)

EuroCham Ghana, formerly known as the European Business Organisation in Ghana (EBO-Ghana), was established in 2014 to promote the interests of European businesses operating in Ghana. The organisation is a member-driven, non-profit, and non-political organisation that represents European businesses in Ghana. It is endorsed by all European embassies and the European Commission in Ghana. EuroCham Ghana is committed to promoting trade and investment between Europe and Ghana.

The organisation has more than 30 members comprising the bilateral chambers of commerce and enterprises from sectors, including manufacturing, agriculture, financial services, logistics. EuroCham Ghana offers a platform for members to engage with government officials, business leaders, and other stakeholders to share knowledge and experiences and promote their business interests. EuroCham Ghana advocates the interests of its members in various forums, including the Ghanaian government, the European Union, and other international organisations. The organisation also provides a range of services to its members, including networking events, business seminars, and market research.

The EuroCham Ghana is committed to sustaining a business-friendly environment for European companies in Ghana. It works closely with its members, the Ghanaian government, and other stakeholders to address the challenges that European companies face in the Ghanaian business environment. The organisation supports sustainable business practices, including the adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


EU Projects

The Ghana-EU Agribusiness Platform is a partnership of the European Chamber of Commerce in Ghana (EuroCham Ghana), and the Chamber of Agribusiness Ghana (CAG) with funding from the EU. (Link) Other EU Projects: (Link)

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    Celestino Alvarez-Neira
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C/o International Department

of Business Europe

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