Eurocámara de Comercio de la República Dominicana

The EuroChamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic, formerly know as the Federation of European Chambers of Commerce in the Dominican Republic, was established in 1993, as a confederation of European Union member states chambers of commerce in the Dominican Republic. Its aim is to promote and facilitate the commercial-economic and diplomatic relationship between the European Union and the Dominican Republic. In this sense, we represent seven chambers of commerce: the Dominican German Chamber of Commerce, the Dominican Belgian Chamber of Commerce, the Oficial Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the DR, the Dominican French Chamber of Commerce, the Dominican Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, Holland House Carribbean and the Dominican Italian Chamber of Commerce, and over 1000 companies of Dominican and European capital. The Dominican Republic is the main trading and investment partner of the European Union in the Carribbean region, and one of the main partners in the Central America region. The EuroChamber, through aliances with the private and public sector, seeks to promote policies and reforms that facilitiate a entrepenurial ecosystem condusive to private European invesmtment and cross country exports. One of our main priorities is to the promote the Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the CARIFORUM, which is the bedrock of the DR-EU comemercial relationship. Furthermore, and as the official Chamber of Commerce for the EU in the DR, the EuroChamber has cooperation agreements with the main actors in the governmental economic sector, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Center for the Promotion of Exports and Investment of the Dominican Republic, among others.


The Chambers efforts extend to generating crucial publications that offer valuable insights and information. These resources cater to European enterprises that are engaged in business operations within the Dominican Republic, as well as policymakers and other pertinent stakeholders. The EuroChamber-DR is actively involved in a host of activities, services, and publications, including:

  • Position papers: The EuroChamber-DR generates position papers covering a diverse spectrum of subjects, notably encompassing trade, market accessibility, important legislative proposals, among other topics. These papers effectively present well-considered suggestions to policymakers, offering insights into enhancing the commercial landscape for European enterprises within the Dominican Republic. Furthermore, the EuroChamber actively participates as a member in the Trade Facilitation Committee, serving as a platform for collaboration between the Dominican government and private sector entities. This collaboration results in policy recommendations aimed at streamlining business processes and fostering a more conducive business environment within the Dominican Republic.
  • Engagement with Stakeholders: The EuroChamber-DR seeks to create strong relationships with a wide range of stakeholders, including government entities, international organisations, local businesses, and civil society groups. In this sense, we actively participate in dialogues, consultations, and strategic partnerships that address trade-related challenges and opportunities. Moreover, we have signed several Memorandums of Understanding with key governmental entities, such as the Directorate of Customs and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, with the purpose of facilitating intra-country trade. We also have a strong relationship with the EU Delegation to the Dominican Republic.
  • Surveys: The EuroChamber-DR consistently carries out surveys on various important subjects, such as trade practices, EPA impact, among other topics, offering valuable insights into the firsthand experiences and future outlook of European companies that are actively conducting operations in the Dominican Republic. These surveys comprehensively address a wide array of subjects, encompassing aspects such as market accessibility, regulatory framework, among other topics.
  • Networking and Cultural Promotion: The EuroChamber conducts regular events to promote the important trade, business, political and cultural links between the Dominican Republic and the European Union. As an example, every year, we celebrate our annual European Gastronomic Fair, which seeks to highlight the exquisite European gastronomic offer.


The EuroChamber of Commerce in the Dominican Republic is dedicated to enhancing trade relations between the Dominican Republic and the European Union. To fulfill this commitment, the EuroChamber takes the lead in conducting a diverse range of activities and creating informative publications. These endeavors aim to underscore the significance of the trade ties between the Dominican Republic and the European Union, while also highlighting the mutually advantageous business prospects available.

  • Visit Website
  • Country
    Dominican Republic
  • Region
    Americas & Caribbean
  • Year Founded
  • Leadership
    Jean Marco Pou Fernandes
  • Organisational Structure
    Chamber of Chambers
  • Members
  • Employees
  • Social Networks

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C/o International Department

of Business Europe

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