Our Mission:

To provide a platform for European Business Organisations at global and regional levels to share best practices.

To advocate for European Business in third markets.


Our Vision:

To provide a platform for European Business Organisations at global and regional levels to share best practices.

To advocate for European Business in third markets.


Key Objectives

To support the development of European Business Organisations in third markets.
To strengthen the links between EU institutions and EBOs in third markets.
To further EU Economic Diplomacy.
To encourage the production of Position Papers.
To assist the Internationalisation of SMEs and Micro-enterprises.
To promote the culture of cooperation within the EBO Network.

SME Internalisation

The internationalisation of SMEs has become increasingly important to increase growth, enhance competitiveness and contribute to long term stability of enterprises. In the European Union alone 99% of European enterprises are classified as SMEs.

Recognizing the importance of promoting SME Internationalisation, in the year in 2011 The European Commission, within the framework of Global Europe proposed the new strategy “Small Business, Big World” and the Small Business Act. The Global Europe policy in the recent framework has been revamped as the 2020 strategy. The over-arching principles of the SME internationalisation are Smart Sustainable and Inclusive growth with economic governance. EBOs are committed to advocating on a continuous basis engage in initiatives that uphold the meaning of Sustainable and inclusive growth with economic governance.

The EBOs have become a third market tool to not only influence third market governance, but also third market business in ensuring and implementing values of Corporate, social and environmental responsibility. EBOs act as an effective initiator of these values amongst the business and government entities. EBOs operate as a transparent body in third markets that provide greater economic access to European Business in third markets in competitive markets that have similar or greater support models in the relevant competitor countries.

The EBO global network stands as the sole Europe-wide organization representing EU business interest in third markets. Therefore, it stands as the sole entity on global, regional and individual third market base that provide equal support to European business from any EU Member state. Further within the third markets, EBOs uphold the principals of complimentarity and additionality by working in partnership with bilateral EU member state chambers already present on ground.

How we support European SMEs and European SME stakeholders

  • By supporting European SMES to enter and retain business in third markets
  • By facilitating EU Member states representations with limited or no direct representation in third markets, by setting up country specific helpdesk
  • As the global Europe Wide third markets business support specialist representing European business views on proposed EU policy pertaining to SME internationalisation.

The only EBO worldwide networks stands as the sole European Wide Business Support Organisation registered within the Transparency Register of the European Union. The network ensures to uphold the higher principals of advocacy and representation at all times.


OURResponsible Business

Corporate Goverance, Environment and Social Responsibility, Transparency
Environment and Social Responsibility
The EBOs have become a third market tool to not only influence third market corporate governance, but further in ensuring and implementing values of social and environmental responsibility. EBOs act as an effective initiator of these values amongst the business and government entities. Individual EBOs operate as a transparent body in third markets that provide greater economic access to European Business in competitive markets that have similar or greater support models in the relevant competitor countries.
Corporate Goverance
EBOs on a continuous basis engage in initiatives that uphold the meaning of sustainable and inclusive growth with economic governance.
EBOWN is a registered party within the European Transparency Register. EBOWN acknowledges the importance of all policy promoting transparent and ethical procedures. Therefore, EBOWN considers that its working and lobbying activities should be conducted in a transparent manner, connecting European Business Voice in markets outside the EU, with European Principals. EBOWN further combines the efficiency with due consideration of the European institutions’ internal procedures, as well as any relevant inter-institutional legislative mechanisms.

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    EBOWNThe Secretariat
    C/o International Department
    of Business Europe
    Avenue de Cortenbergh, 168
    1000 Brussels, Belgium
    OUR NETWORKWhere to find us?
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    LOBBY TRANSPARENCYEU Transparency Registry

    EBO Worldwide Network is registered in the EU lobby transparency register under identification number 941242711525-27.

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    © 2020 by EBO Worldwide Network ASBL

    © 2020 by EBO Worldwide Network ASBL