Singapore – The Future of Healthcare and Wellbeing Whitebook 2021-2022

March 12, 2022by Geraldine Smeets

European Chamber of Commerce, Singapore has published “The Future of Healthcare and Wellbeing Whitebook 2021-2022.

In Singapore, as in the EU, proactive measures have been taken in responding to the global imperative for businesses to become more future-forward in the healthcare and wellbeing sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us that we cannot merely remain reactive anymore.

The European Chamber of Commerce (Singapore) has enfolded in 2020-2021 a programme under the title the ‘Future of Healthcare and Wellbeing’ while contemplating that the world is facing an unprecedented challenge and that the healthcare industry must accelerate key processes in order not simply to overcome crises but to stay ahead of them.

While Singapore is noted for its robust healthcare system it continues to strive for greater improvements in this field. The government’s commitment to encourage the nation in living healthy and ensure better wellbeing for all is equally embraced by EuroCham’s members, European companies.

Through this Whitebook, EuroCham seeks to further address the three topic areas which have been the focus of the programme.

The areas of focus of the “Future of Healthcare and Wellbeing” are:

  • Healthcare & Innovation
  • Healthy Lifestyle & Wellbeing
  • Healthy & Sustainable Food

A series of activities have supported the programme, including the ‘Best Practices’ sharing sessions, the launch of the ‘Future of Healthcare and Wellbeing Whitebook’, and closed-door meetings with key government stakeholders. The European Commission, Singapore government, and other key stakeholders have all warmly welcomed these activities as a way forward to open dialogue on potential pathways for future collaboration, which revolve around highlighting healthcare best practices, challenges, and opportunities in Singapore.

The Whitebook seeks to promote communication between Singapore and Europe while supporting the private sector and Singaporean stakeholders to pursue innovation and collaboration for the betterment of the Healthcare sector. It illustrates the common interests of the EU and Singapore with respect to healthcare, our efforts at EuroCham to advocate for a healthier future, and how European companies can drive change towards a society that is well-equipped to lead healthier and better lives. In addition, it demonstrates how European and Singaporean companies have collaborated in our joint pursuit of excellence in healthcare and in our belief that if we are to tackle the vast challenge we face, we need to engage all existing actors.

The Whitebook entails 3 chapters:

– Chapter 1: the compilation of three position papers covering the state of development of  healthcare and wellbeing in Singapore and, going forward what the future outlook is,

– Chapter 2: a survey of 15 sector-relevant organisations based in Singapore, whose initiatives and strategies are presented in the Healthcare Report 2021.

– Chapter 3: Company profiles of well-established European organisations based in Singapore, to exhibit the excellence and expertise of innovation within the healthcare and wellbeing industry.

The three position papers in the first chapter of this Whitebook cover opportunities of collaboration between European companies and Singaporean stakeholders.

Geraldine Smeets

Geraldine Smeets

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